Pilgrims Choice

Taste Matters

Driving saliency in an increasingly commoditised category

Pilgrims Choice is the UK’s no. 2 branded cheddar and is on a mission to grow the brand into no.1. However, the battleground for branded cheddar is growing increasingly fierce.

Pilgrims Choice needed a campaign which would drive saliency and connect with consumers on a deeper level to ensure their growth and protect their space on retailer shelves.

For them as a brand, taste is everything so we first helped them identify the audience for whom this would resonate the greatest. We found a segment we named the ‘Flavour Seekers’ – those who are all for maximum indulgence, looking for the ultimate ‘me’ moment and refusing to compromise on taste.

We carried out audience research with them, holding groups to understand what drove this and drew out insights and stories which would resonate if we targeted this group.

We used this to help define a brand platform for Pilgrims Choice ‘Taste Matters’ and brought it to life with a series of relatable films – showing genuine moments our audience had revealed in research groups, dramatised with Pilgrims Choice at the heart.

+9% Prompted awareness of Pilgrims Choice
+35% Consideration
+10% Purchase intent
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